Arizona State Representative, Mark Finchem, who is running for Arizona Secretary of State, continues to lead the fight for Election Integrity and the ongoing battle against Federal Government overreach, corruption, mandates, and attempted control of the State's voting regulations. Notwithstanding Arizona Attorney General, Mark Brnovich's strong quote a few months ago that “We must defend state sovereignty and protect the integrity of our elections”, it is once again, Representative Finchem relentlessly, along with his truth-seeking cohorts, State Senator, Wendy Rogers, and Congressman, Paul Gosar, who has spear-headed the charge to uphold Voter Integrity in the battleground State of Arizona. Meanwhile, Atty. Gen. Brnovich, continues to sit on his hands while countless residents of the Great State of Arizona have continuously called for accountability for the massive Election Fraud that undeniably took place on November 3, 2020, in not only Arizona but throughout our Constitutional Republic, which I personally, Liberty Report and a growing number of concerned Americans are fiercely combating to reclaim ... as our Country and Voting Rights remain under unprecedented attack. I look back at my prior October 15, 2021, Liberty Report Article wherein I called out the AZ Atty. Gen. to step up and back up his [seemingly] strong words and actually "defend" the State of Arizona, the Election process and procedures by taking both swift and decisive action(s) to Criminally Prosecute, to the fullest extent of State and Federal Law, any and all Election Interference/Fraud perpetrators and all of their Co-Conspirators. It was really an obvious and rather straight-forward three-part process consisting of the following:
1. Indict
2. Prosecute
3. Decertify
However, Mark Brnovich has wholly failed to do so and has let down his constituents as only nominal, if any, Voting Fraud charges have been brought pursuant to the massive treasure-trove of proven shenanigans engaged in by numerous rogue, deep-state agents during the 2020 Election in Maricopa County and beyond. This inaction by the supposed Attorney General, who many feels has already been compromised somehow, is unfortunate considering that the Maricopa County Audit produced Video Tape of at least three (3) instances wherein Election Officials and/or their minions knowingly deleted tens of thousands of files, data, etc. from the Election Systems, including the day before the [remaining] Election machines, materials, files, and data were turned over for the Arizona Election Audit. Moreover, Maricopa County failed to retain their Election records pursuant to Federal and State Laws, 34,000 Duplicate Ballots, fake Ballots, Votes by dead people, etc. as the nature & extent of the misdeeds, shortcomings, and noncompliance is too lengthy to list in full here.
Accordingly, Representative Finchem has himself stepped up and introduced HCR 2033, a concurrent resolution calling for the purported Election results in Maricopa, Pima, and Yuma Counties to be set aside based on "clear and convincing evidence that the Elections in those Counties were irredeemably compromised". See copy of the News Release by Representative, Mark Finchem on Monday, February 7, 2022 link attached below. As always, Rep. Finchem is pressing hard for a solution and has identified an available "remedy" based on both Constitutional principles and legal precedence. As further noted by Rep. Finchem "the circumstances surrounding these elections undermine voter confidence in the election system, moreover, they ultimately translate into doubts about election integrity. In the case of Maricopa, Pima, and Yuma Counties, the fact that there is evidence showing illegal acts occurred, whether by intent or omission does not matter, the margin of error exceeds the margin of victory. If we are a nation governed by the ‘rule of law,’ as we so often espouse, then violations of the law must have consequences. In that regard, the 2020 General Election is irredeemably compromised,...".
Even so, Democrats have fought against any reasonable measures to ensure Voter Integrity such as Voter Id's and in-person Voting on Election Day only, claiming such neutral safeguards were racist and even moving the MLB All-Star game from Atlanta to Denver because Georgia, which also experienced massive Voter Fraud in the 2020 Elections, enacted Voter Integrity Laws such as Voter Id's. This cost Atlanta, which is predominately African-American, about $90,000,000 in anticipated revenue. In a typical showing of hypocrisy, there was little mention of the racial impact on Atlanta.
Nonetheless, numerous States are enacting Voter Integrity Laws to uphold basic Voting standards, to ensure the integrity of our Votes, and avoid legitimate Voters from being disenfranchised as I like to say "My Body, My Vote". The several States in addition to Arizona, including Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, etc. are now also looking long and hard into what really transpired during the 2020 Election as well as scrutinizing and auditing the Votes. It is only just and proper that Arizona, and other States similarly situated with their citizens deprived of Constitutionally-Protected Voting Rights and Privileges, step up to challenge Election results, with Arizona again leading the way.
As Rep. Finchem astutely noted, "one significant common law principle is that actions taken as the result of fraud or illegality are void ab initio (ie. from the beginning), and can be rescinded. This principle has been applied to reverse a fraudulent election even after the election was certified and the illegally certified candidate was sworn in and sitting in the legislature." Citations omitted. This "stolen" Election is akin to stealing someone's car and getting caught with the car two year later, and guess what, you don't get to keep the car. Much the same, President Trump, who was the actual duly-elected President by what we expect to be a landslide, will be able to get his "car" back. In addition, sleepy/creepy Joe Biden is only the temporary "resident" of the DC corporate swamp by way of the 2020 hijacked Election aka selection by the media, big tech, big corp, etc. Thus, "from the beginning", Biden has never been my/our President as he/they cheated and got caught. The moral of the story for the Democrats and the deep state is that you cannot lie, cheat and steal, and if you do, it doesn't count. Also, we need to keep in mind who said Joe Biden won, the [compromised] media. That is why when Trump supporters would shout "four more years", I would yell out "at least four more years" as I knew that something unusual yet special was happening here. With that in mind, we will need to further evaluate and consider what other "remedies" are available and appropriate.
See the Video link below of AZ State Rep Mark Finchem speaking at the Post-Election Audit event in Mesa, Arizona:
What makes this situation even more disturbing is the Democrat's and media's outright dismissal and denial of any and all claims relating to Election Fraud while simultaneously falsely claiming this was the "safest and most secure election ever". However, this is consistent with all of the other knowingly and verifiably false claims made by the Democrats and their lap-dog media during their relentless four-year attack on President Trump and the legitimacy of his 2016 Election Victory. I have previously referred to that time period as "Revenge of the Swamp Monsters" and now, we are experiencing the "Swamp Monsters' Last Stand". For two years now, it seems like it has been "Opposite Day" combined with "Groundhog Day" almost every day. The residents of the Great State of Arizona and all of the American people as well as the entire World have had enough. As my latest sign says - "FREEDOM NOW - UNITE" and that needs to be our focus going forward.
Let us also not forget the Constitutional foundation of our Country and most importantly, we need to once again, be One Nation Under God as we give Glory to his son, Jesus Christ, through whom all blessings flow. Finally, I must mention another true Patriot, who also strongly loves our Lord and certainly loves our Country, and that is Jake Angeli, who remains a Political Prisoner for standing up for both our Country and our true, duly-elected President, Donald J. Trump. Jake, you are in our thoughts and prayers daily as we hope no one else in the history of our Country has to endure what you have gone through and for what? Seeking the Truth ... He has fallen on the sword for all of us and his voice needs to continue to be heard. In that regard, please listen to Jake's message by tuning in to the weekly "Forbidden Truth Podcast" live from the Arizona State Capitol Saturdays at noon. The link for the Podcast is:
In closing, God God Bless America and God Bless Mark Finchem as he is a true Warrior, a Patriot, he loves the Lord, he loves our Country and the State of Arizona is a better place as a result ... Actions speak louder than words and Rep. Finchem, we hear you Loud and Clear - Truth & Justice!
Kelly J Patriot
* Support Mark Finchem for Arizona Secretary of State at
Liberty Report - Seek the Truth and Keep the Faith
Let Freedom Ring: Kelly J Patriot will be joining The Peoples Convoy in Indianapolis and Channel 5 News with Andrew Callaghan on the way to Ohio and DC